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  • Lukovic Street | Bay Of Kotor - Cultural Heritage Project | Prčanj

    2007-2017 Lukovic Street - Prcanj,Montenegro cover photo: Lukovic Street, Prcanj Lukovic Street was the core of the public life of the 16th and 17th century. It is named after the Lukovic family houses, which have exceptionally elegantly decorated stone balustrades; the palaces follows the sea line, merging into the street front, and making a unique and indivisible ambient unit in a functional and aesthetic domain. Opposed to the houses towards the sea, so-called ‘ponta’ were made over the time, for accessing sailboats with a plateau on which cargoes from ships were landed, as well as small ports for binding family boats. The coastal belt was an indivisible private space and made up a whole with the palaces. In the later period, around 1805, when this region was already under the Austro-Hungarian empire, the emperor had the first coastal road built along the sea for military needs, thus completely interrupting the continuity of family gardens from the sea to the houses. This act changed forever the character of space, dividing it into two parts, one made up of family ports for boats with berths along the sea, and another made up of a paved street of the Lukovic family. The seafront, including ponta and boat bindings, were private properties in the 19th century, characterized by traditional stone bindings, stone paving and stone sea-shores, with small gardens rich in Mediterranean vegetation. ​ READ MORE on heritage article ''Street of Lukovic family" Next

  • Palata Sbutega | Glavati | Article | Bogdan Kusevic | Kotor. Montenegro

    Rusevine palate Sbutega - Glavati. Prcanj istorijska i arhitektonska analiza Na stotinjak metara od mora i na pedesetak metara nadmorske visine, u uvali poznatoj kao Pecarevo ili Glavati, u naselju Prčanj u Crnoj Gori, nalazi se građevina danas u ruševinama, koja je po svemu sudeći bila rezidencija neke plemićke porodice. Zbog nedostatka arhivske građe i neposjedovanja ikakvog uklesanog simbola, grba ili natpisa na fasadi, o ovoj palati se malo zna. Međutim, po tehnikama gradnje, dispoziciji i arhitektonskoj koncepciji kao i materijalima i tehnikama obrade, može se zaključiti da potiče iz XIV vijeka. Rezidencija se nalazi nedaleko od Crkve Sv. Ane u području Glavati – Prčanj, za koju se smatra da datira iz istog perioda. U XIV vijeku je ovim područjem vladala dinastija Nemanjića, potom Ugarska kraljevina a kasnije i bosanski kralj Tvrtko I. U tom se periodu naselja uz more, sem utvrđenih gradova poput Kotora, još nijesu bila razvila i egzistirala su na višim kotama u brdu kao seoske naseobine koje su se oslanjale na lokalnu poljoprivredu. Veoma česti upadi pirata, a potom i napadi Turaka ali i plemena iz unutrašnjosti, bila su dovoljno učestala da se karakter rezidencijalne arhitekture u zaleđu morao podrediti odbrani od upada pljackaša. ​ Palata tj. današnje ruševine snimljene na terenu februara 2018. godine, sastoje se od 4 zida glavnog korpusa palate i jednog aneksa sa gornje zapadne strade, po svemu sudeći bivše štale. Prednje pročelje zida ka Kotoru na sredini je provaljeno do tla, a zadržalo je samo nišu sa donje desne strane, do nekadašnjih vrata. Sa suprotne strane, uočava se romano-gotski jednostavan luk bez profilacije od nejednako postavljenih kamenih pragova, te niša neposredno do vrata i dva prozorska okna od kojih je veće veoma oštećeno. Romano-gotski portal nad ulaznim vratima, iako oštećen pruža najvjerodostojniju potvrdu o karakteru palate i njenoj dataciji. Vrata su bila izrađena od punog drveta a zaklavana sa po 4 klina u kamenom parapetu, čija su udubljenja u kamenu i danas vidljiva. Povrh toga, postojala je i velika greda koja je služila za barakidiranje i koja se umetala po sredini vrata, naliježući tako u udubljenje u zidu kako bi dodatno osigurala portal od upada pljackaša. Male niše pored vrata bile su korišćenekako bi se na što jednostavniji način, a bez otvaranja glavnog ulaza, primile namirnice od prodavaca, kao sto je suvo meso i riba, a da se pritom domaćini ne izlažu riziku da budu opljačkani ili napadnuti. Druga mala niša spolja je najvjerovatnije u kasnijem periodu zazidana. Krov je bio jednovodni i nagnut prema moru, što je danas velika rijetkost na ovom području gdje su svi krovovi dvovodni. Sudeći po krovnom pokrivaču obližnje Crkve Sv. Ane, koji je bio od kamena, kao i na osnovu i drugih veoma starih rezidencijalnih objekata, može se zaključiti da je i krov palate u prvobitnoj fazi bio od kamenih ploča i to autohtonog kamena. ​ Na osnovu analize sa lokacije od februara 2018, zapažene su dvije etape gradnje objekta palate Sbutega. Prva bi uključivala veliko i visoko prizemlje te nisko potkrovlje koje je sa donje morske strane imalo tri prozorska okna, po svoj prilici za osmatranje i odbranu od potencijalnih pljačkaša. U prizemlju, ka moru, 2 prozorska okna od kojih je jedno bilo veće, približnih dimenzija 100/80 cm, i drugo, dimenzijaod oko 40/40 cm. Na pročelju ka Kotoru, bila su prema dispoziciji ulazna vrata sa portalom, poput onih na suprotnoj strani palate. Oboje vrata bila su simetrično postavljena, moguće poštujući vjerovanje da, đavo ukoliko bi ušao u kuću, na istom pravolinijskom potezu bi i izašao te ukućani ne bi bili ugroženi, dok se mala odstupanja od pravog ugla prilikom zidanja zidova, mogu tumačiti predanjem - uvijek se izbjegavalo zidati u ‘skveru’ jer u ‘skveru’ čuči đavo. Tavanice tog perioda bile su drvene, oslonjene na kamene konzole zaobljene sa donje strane u obliku akantusovog cvijeta. Na potkrovlju je bilo po 2 prozora ka strani od Kotora i 2 ka Prčanju, od kojih je jedan većih dimenzija. Izlaz u dvorište je riješen ostavljanjem uskih vrata ka brdu koja su danas zazidana, služila su kao izlaz u pomoćni objekat, najvjerovatnije štalu. ​ Druga faza gradnje, donijela je radikalne promjene u enterijeru. Naime, visoko prizemlje se podijelilo na dvije etaže kako bi se dobilo na proširenju smještajnog kapaciteta zbog uvećanja porodice a na uštrb zaziđivanja tri prozora i gornjih vrata ka brdu na kojima su postavljene kamene konzole za pridržavanje greda. Promjene su vidljive i na romano-gotskom portalu, jer je i on sve do luka morao biti zazidan kako bi se tavanice spuštile niže, što je i danas vidljivo. U drugoj fazi razvoja palate, tavanice su postale veoma niske, ostavljajući oko 200 cm slobodnog prostora do greda. Obrada kamenih prozora bez posebnih parapetnih otvora na svim oknima, te vrlo oskudnim i nadomještenim na otvorima većih dimenzija, sugeriše o etapnom, sukcesivnom razvoju palate i čestim prepravkama. Palata u svojoj bazi posjeduje dimenzije 9.5 sa 6 m, što je veoma veliko za prosječnu veličinu kuće ovog podneblja, te upućuje na veoma dobro imovno stanje vlasnika-graditelja. Na području se nalazi Crkva Sv. Ane, koja sudeći po analogijama, potiče iz istog perioda i stoga se može ustvrditi da je bila porodična kapela. ​ Lokacija Glavati je od velike važnosti za ukupno područje Prčanja, kako zbog svoje istorijske tako i prirodne i ambijentalne vrijednosti. Dolina Svete Ane je predio sa svim odlikama kulturnog pejzaža. Suvomeđe koje se stepenasto pružaju pored imanja Sbutega, a na čijim se terasama i danas nalaze maslinjaci, zatim stara srednjevjekovna staza preko Prčanja koja je nekada povezivala Prčanj sa Kotorom, Stolivom i Lepetanima, pravi je izvor za proučavanje načina života u prošlosti. Prisustvo nekoliko slojeva arhitekture - romano-gotičke u brdu a renesansno-barokne pri obali, te austrougarskog putnog graditeljstva u priobalju, kao i autohtonog načina obrade pejzaža sa kanalisanim potocima i terasastim vrtovima, predstavlja izvanredan argument za valorizaciju ove uvale kao kulturnog pejzaža od velike važnosti za Uneskovo Prirodno i kulturno-istorijsko područje Kotora. Aktiviranje ove palate za kulturne potrebe, i po mišljenu stanovnika valorizovanje u svrhu ljetnjeg kampa studenata arhitekture koji će raditi na regeneraciji pejzaža i održavanju srednjevjekovnih staza i monumenata, a uz to dobiti sertifikat o autentičnoj gradnji Boke Kotorske pod mentorstvom restauratora, bilo bi od velikog značaja za čitavo područje Kotora. Najzad, pružilo bi i uvid u velike potencijale održivog razvoja, a sve na uzajamnu korist kako učesnika radionice tako i vlasnika imanja, kojima bi se, pored usluge besplatnog održavanja imanja isplaćivala i naknada za korisćenje od strane studenata – polaznika arhitektonske radionice. Tako bi čitavo ovo područje dobilo veću prepoznatljivost i važnost i postalo uzorni model za pristup regeneraciji kulturnog pejzaža ukupnog područja Kotora. ​ Nažalost, gradnja na ovom području, koja je počela infrastrukturnim radovima, uništila je do sada već čitav dio vrtova sa terasama i ozidanim potokom, i prijeti da devalvira ukupno područje koje je jedna zatvorena i unikatna enklava kulturnog pejzaža koji se prostire u punoj širini od mora pa sve do brda. Dolina Svete Ane – Glavati je neizmjerno vrijedno područje koje svjedoči o istorijskom razvoju seoskih aglomeracija uz more Boke Kotorske. Zbog vrijednog autentičnog pejzaža, kao i istorijske, pejzažne i prirodne vrijednosti, neodložno se mora pristupiti uticaju na kulturnu Baštinu pri aktuelnim prostornim intervencijama, izradom HIA studije, kako bi joj se sačuvala izuzetna univerzalna vrijednost, koju kao cjelina posjeduje u sklopu Područja Kotora koje je pod Uneskovom zaštitom. ​ ​ ​ ​ KAKO DA CITIRATE OVAJ CLANAK Kusevic, B. (2018). Rusevine palate Sbutega - Glavati-Prcanj. istorijska i arhitektonska analiza . ‘‘The Archive of Landscapes” [datum]. ​ POZADINSKA KARTA David Rumsey Historical Map Collection | The Collection; (1693) Disegno Topografico del Canale di Cattaro, Montenegro; Coronelli, Vincenzo (1650-1718).

  • Bay Of Kotor | Cultural Heritage Project 2017 | Prčanj

    2007-2017 Bay of Kotor seascape photography ​cover photo: The islets in front of Perast, Montenegro Bay of Kotor in Montenegro, is a very attractive tourist destination. It is considered to be one of the most beautiful bays in the world. The Bay of Kotor is rich in cultural heritage, and the town of Kotor, situated at the end of the bay is the most beautiful one, where the most ancient Cathedral in eastern Adriatic called St. Tryphon Cathedral has existed since 1166. In this area, there are also very well-known Roman mosaics in Risan famous for its unique presentation of God Hypnos, along with the remains of Roman villas. The coastal settlements rapidly developed during Venetian protectorate of this region from 1492 to 1797 and the most picturesque towns are Perast and Prcanj. The coastline in Boka Kotorska has been modified by building family piers in front of palaces and houses. The population of the entire bay is around 60,000. Next

  • Palace "Tre Sorelle" XIV C. | Article | Bogdan Kusevic | Bay of Kotor. Monteneg

    About the palace of ,,Tre Sorelle'' Prcanj, Bay of Kotor, Montenegro The Palace of the Three Sisters is the best-preserved example of Gothic profane architecture outside the urban historical cities in Montenegro. It is situated in the town of Prcanj in Montenegro, on the waterfront of the Bay of Kotor. At the time when the palace was built, Prcanj was a very attractive place where wealthy noble families from Kotor resided. It is not clear when exactly it was built due to the lack of archival material, but it is sure that it existed here in 1500s when it was mentioned in the archive in Kotor as Villa Trium Sororum. Historians date the palace to the beginning of the 15th century. In 1688, the entire area was already known as Le Tre Sorelle at the map of Disegno Topografico del Canale di Cattaro, Montenegro; Coronelli, Vincenzo (1650-1718). Its architectonic concept is quite unique. However, the attractive architectural design of the palace has been questioned by the researchers arguing that its present shape could not be the original one. This conclusion is based on non-identical styles of building techniques and the fact that the middle section is slightly inclined, suggesting that the concept of the palace has drastically changed over time. The palace is divided into three sections like a castle with towers which have three roofs and three windows on every level. The Gothic vaults and Gothic windows with the emblem of the noble family “Buca” from Kotor, the existence of a family chapel of St. Jeronimo on its right side and the unique architectonic concept has placed this palace on the top level of national protection. In spite of this, nothing has been done so far for improvement of management and protection of this palace and today it is standing without windows and is left on the ravages of time. The palace is a private property, and a housing purpose is assigned to it in its management plan, which has been done completely unjustly, disregarding its historical value and the connection it has had in the collective memory of the indigenous population over the past 500 years. During the last decade, it has been subjected to non-professional restoration. In the course of this process, one of the sealed window was opened, which resulted in ruining the gothic plastics and spoiling the relation of the local people to the Story of Three Sisters and the windows that were sealed up when they passed away. ​ ​ ​ HOW TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Kusevic, B. (2017). About the palace of "Tre Sorelle" from Prcanj . ‘‘The Archive of Landscapes”. [date]. ​ BACKGROUND PHOTO David Rumsey Historical Map Collection | The Collection; (1693) Disegno Topografico del Canale di Cattaro, Montenegro; Coronelli, Vincenzo (1650-1718). Story of "Three Sisters"

  • Medieval pathway of Prcanj | Article | Bogdan Kusevic | Bay of Kotor. Montenegro

    Medieval pathway of Prcanj, Montenegro The upper medieval path of Prcanj, from Glavati to Spille, with old churches on the hill and ruins of medieval houses, authentic farm estates and terraced gardens planted with olives as well as wooded areas between them, should be proclaimed, according to the wish of the residents, as protected landscape of special importance for the municipality of Kotor, as well as a valuable hiking tour. The area of the medieval path represents one of the few coastal areas in the interior of the Bay of Kotor, where the cultural landscape has not been attacked yet by commercial construction and where there is continuity from the sea Glavati) to the top of the mountain (Spille River Canyon). The pathway is a proof of Prcanj’s historical development, of the time when the settlement was located on the upper levels of the Vrmac hill, resting on agriculture. A special way of treating the soil, preserving fertile humus layers, was achieved by the dry-stone wall techniques on terraced levels along Vrmac slopes. Moving from the sea to the hill, ancient varieties of Mediterranean fruit, such as citrus, grapes, olives, figs, are still present. These authentic sloped terraces of autochthonous agricultural varieties are still preserved below the area of the upper medieval path connecting the Church of St. Anna with the church of St. Peter on the way to the Old Parish church toward Spilla river. There are also centuries old oaks and pine forests in the zones between the agricultural estates, which are also planted as old villagers can tell. On the top, this zone of settlement also shows several foundations of ancient family homes that date back to the Middle Ages, and in addition to the medieval paths, numerous ruins of churches and dry stonewalls are the material evidence of the medieval village of Prcanj which was located on the hill. The landscape of the upper medieval path of the Prcanj is of a great importance for settlement and it is necessary to point out its future conscientious management in order to maintain its outstanding universal value as an integral part of the UNESCO Natural and Culturo-Historical Region of Kotor. ​ ​ ​​​​ HOW TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Kusevic, B. (2017). Medieval pathway of Prcanj , Montenegro ‘‘The Archive of Landscapes”. [date]. ​ BIBLIOGRAPHY . ​ BACKGROUND PHOTO. David Rumsey Historical Map Collection | The Collection; (1693) Disegno Topografico del Canale di Cattaro, Montenegro; Coronelli, Vincenzo (1650-1718).

  • Prcanj | Article | Bogdan Kusevic | Bay of Kotor. Montenegro

    Prcanj, Montenegro Prcanj in Kotor municipality in Montenegro is a coastal town which traditionally relied on the maritime trade and such tradition has remained to the present day. Historically, the first mentions of it were in 1222 in the correspondence regarding the construction of St Johan Church. During the medieval age, the town was being developed in the upper level in the hill and it relied primarily on the local agriculture. Later, at the beginning of the 15th century, the town rapidly started to develop in the coastal region. Prcanj sailors from early 15th century demonstrate the town’s tremendous skillfulness at the sea, witnessed by state Venetian captains. Maritime trade was very active and successful and made a lot of families from Prcanj exceptionally rich (for example, the Beskuca family owns 99 houses in the Bay of Kotor and overseas). Maritime trade flourished during 16th and 18th century; the ships owned by people from Prcanj grew in size and number so that by the end of the 18th century, Prcanj was a home port for 98 overseas ships. Prcanj’s wealthiest sea captains’ families names were: Lukovic, Gjurovic, Sbutega, Lazzari, Mihnic, Florio, Verona, Milin, Petkic, Raffaeili, Beskuca, Marassi. Many of them had their trade houses and family residences in Venice, Trieste, Corfu, Thebes, Corinth, Alexandria, Algiers, etc. Among their most common merchandise were Montenegrin and Greek cheese, Dalmatian vine, oil candles, salted sardines, dry meat, dry figs, Dalmatian and Greek olive oil, and silk. Their most frequent ports of call were - apart from the eastern Mediterranean ones - Ancona, Bari, Brindisi, Venice, and Trieste. The success of maritime trade was so immense for Prcanj that by the end of 17th century it had overpassed, in economic terms, the medieval town of Kotor (Cattaro in Italian), which had often helped them giving money and manual labour in times of crisis. After the catastrophic earthquake of 1667, by which Kotor was almost completely destroyed, Prcanj’s sailors and shipowners volunteerely helped repairing the destroyed town with money and labour, even providing free transport of goods on their ships. ​ In 1420, after several attempts to form an alliance with the Venetian Republic, Kotor’s Governors finally received a positive response and gained the Venetian protection. As it was due in time of war, Prcanj’s Governors aswered to the city’s assistance request providing a free mobilisation, and sailors always went to the sea battlefield against enemies with other Venetian provinces on Adriatic. Thanks to their extremely high faithfulness in naval battles and in sustaining safe sea-trade, all the Prcanj’s captains gained numerous benefits. For example, in 18th century Prcanj’s sailors and ship-owners got free merchandise, without any charge, available on Venezia and Padova, and tax-free trade. In 1420 the Bay of Kotor was not entirely under Venetian protection; in fact, the only inner area with the towns of Kotor, Dobrota, Mulla, Perzagno, Stolivo, Perasto, and Sterp was. Other areas of Bay of Kotor, such as Castel Nuovo and Risano, become Venetian provinces following the Liberation from the Ottoman rule in 1687. Already at the end of the 16th century, sailors from Prcanj stood out with their ships (fusta) on sails and oars which overpassed the Venetian State ships, as witnessed by the Venetian governor-general Almorò Tiepolo (1593). In fact, by the end of the 16th century, due to their tremendous skillfulness at the sea, the administration of the Venetian Republic decided to give to Prcanj’s captains the great responsibility to transport State mail (pubblici dispacci) on their ships. The decision, come into force in 1625, has brought many benefits to the population of Prcanj, such as relieving them from military service and physical, manual labour. On the other hand, the importance of a reliable postal service, ranging from Venice to Zadar and Kotor and even to Corfu, was of immense importance for the Republic of Venice.The ships carrying mail were small in size and their crew numbered nine members. The privileges of the city grew thanks to this extraordinary role, and in 1704 Prcanj received the statute of Municipality (Comunità di Perzagno). This decision of the Republic resulted in huge benefits, namely the abolition of customs, which strengthened the economic growth that inncreased the city’s maritime economy. ​ Prcanj is located at the foot of Vrmac hill and due to the mixture of sea and mountain air it has been renowned as a health resort for a long time. The settlement is well-known for its unique fresh air suitable for people with lung diseases and allergies, which was recognized at the congress of Yugoslavian pulmonologists in 1920s. The sanatorium for non-specific pulmonary diseases was situated in the area of Lekovina, which has special microclimatic benefits, until the 1979 earthquake.Today Prcanj is well-known as a health resort, and it attracts many visitors seeking for health improvement, sports training and family holiday in the peaceful scenery along the coast. It has a population of around 1,100. ​ ​ ​​​​ HOW TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Kusevic, B. (2017). Town of Prcanj, Montenegro . ‘‘The Archive of Landscapes”. [date]. ​ BIBLIOGRAPHY . ​ BACKGROUND PHOTO. David Rumsey Historical Map Collection | The Collection; (1693) Disegno Topografico del Canale di Cattaro, Montenegro; Coronelli, Vincenzo (1650-1718).

  • Heritage | Bogdan Kusevic | Cultural heritage in danger article

    The cultural landscape in danger of UNESCO Natural and Culturo-historical region of Kotor Over the last decade, the region of the Bay of Kotor, which has been the UNESCO heritage site since 1979, is the area where severe destruction of the cultural landscape has occurred due to the excessive building industry, triggered by huge investments. Such appalling development of the entire Bay is threatening to devastate the fragile cultural landscape of the Bay of Kotor. Because of excessive destruction of the outstanding universal value of the cultural landscape, traditional urban settlements are endangered by the over-scaled architecture for commercial purposes. As a result of this, the UNESCO Natural and Culturo-Historical Region of Kotor will probably soon be erased from the World Heritage list. It should also be pointed out that Boka Kotorska is a place where cultures overlap due to Roman, Byzantine, Venetian and Austro-Hungarian rule. Thus, the complexity of the landscape and its connection to the past eras is a strong argument for its valorisation by integrative approach which would first consider the social value of the cultural landscape. Such an approach to the overall socio-historical development of the region also has to contain the environmental component in many areas of management of landscape and urban planning. ​ Nowadays native people have lost connection with the local environment in Bay of Kotor; this has happened by changing the way people use landscape and by vanishing the active cultivation of the same. Moreover, the way the landscape is used has drastically changed after the last earthquake in 1979; furthermore, over the last decade it has been highly influenced by the heavy foreign investment in real estate industry.For all these reasons, the cultural landscape of the Bay of Kotor region, and Prcanj in particular, is under the big threat of losing all its inherited features represented by the materiality and the structure of the landscape itself, as well as vanishing the collective memory of its traditional character and specificity. Today, many areas have been devastated by building residential buildings without any legal certificate, thus imposing high seismic hazard; also, by interrupting the organical linkage with surrounding landscape; even, by making life more complicated and dangerous (neglecting the necessity of adequate access for personal cars, or not providing a livable neighbourhood). All these problems make a real urban chaos in some upper areas of Prcanj like Tre Sorelle and Sarena Gomila. After the 1979 earthquake, an intensive urbanisation started without any implemented strategical urban planning. Today, some areas in Prcanj which are important for their cultural landscape, like St. Anna Valley, are threatened by uncontrolled urbanisation, like the building of a big real estate settlement, and by imposing the complete destruction of the authentic cultural landscape. Now the urge for urban legislation of the entire UNESCO area of Kotor, as well as in Prcanj, is the top priority for Montenegro, and among the aims of this report is to point to urgent actions in urban legislation and integrated approach toward cultural landscape protection, as well as to raise public awareness about its tangible and intangible features. Due to excessive construction, the authenticity of the Region of Kotor is fading away and is rudely devastated in the name of sustainable development. However, in this case the concept of sustainability has been compromised from the very start. Such a problematic approach of urban planning is evident on the entire coast of Montenegro but it is most obvious in the region of Kotor, which is under the protection of the UNESCO. I would like to point out that the town of Kotor with its surroundings is in a chaotic situation now. Abandoned spots in the town of huge potentials such as the old abandoned site of the factory, ruins of Fjord Hotel, the modernist building of Jugooceanija, a former shipping company, and a lot of other areas of the huge potentials such as Skurda peninsula, and sports hall in Skaljari, and the building of former Autoremont are wrecked. At present, the town attempts to improve its economy by hosting big cruise ships. In that respect it has been very successful insomuch that Kotor has been proclaimed as the one of the top 5 cruising ship destination in the Mediterranean. Far more interesting topic is opening for mass tourism. Namely, every day thousands of tourist come to the Kotor, which has only 2,000 inhabitants. Does the town need so many tourists come for one day sightseeing tour, or better to say half day sightseeing tour? Does it mean that the citizens would not be able to come to the town centre during working hours or to reach the health institutions in proper time because of crowded streets? ​ Kotor is the town that has only one road which runs along the waterfront. Due to numerous vehicles which travel along this road, traffic congestions frequently occur, especially in summer. Furthermore, the local seashore roads are without the proper signalization, with holes, pits and bumps, which makes the transportation, from Tivat to Kotor in particular, very annoying and frustrating but also very dangerous. All these issues and historical permanence in a collision with the current mass cruise tourism cause many problems. An average tourist who would like to spend a couple of days in Kotor cannot properly enjoy his or her vacation. It means that smart mobility needs to be introduced in the immediate vicinity to provide a liveable environment for the younger generation to come but also for its well-recognized tourist activity in the town of Kotor. Furthermore, cruise ships cause problems which must be solved urgently because of their adverse effect on the environment. They produce air pollution and damage the marine ecosystem in many ways which have a negative impact on the fishing industry, and thus cause the socio-economic turbulence that leads to complete relocation of domicile population. In addition to this, there are many problems arising from the improper regional planning, whereby high buildings have been constructed in the pristine cultural landscape proclaimed as the World Cultural Heritage. ​ The following key points highlight the issues arising from the ongoing building activities that have negative impact on the protected area of the Bay of Kotor and pose a threat to its Outstanding Universal Value. ​ Emerging of poorly planned settlements in UNESCO Natural and Culturo-Historical Region of Kotor, which poses a threat to the outstanding universal value of property Building of improperly planned settlements without any urban strategy or management plan, which makes an unprecedented negative visual impact on the seashore line and vistas on the historical monuments and urban ensembles of outstanding universal value; Settlements planned and made in locations not suitable for their character because of the unique and practically harsh natural environment in the region of seashore forests and cliffs, which ruins the integrity of the landscape itself; Settlements built without any prior strategy, thus living in them may be dangerous and complicated because of pollution of water, environmental degradation, ecosystem collapse, a danger of forest fires, high seismic risk etc.; Accepting the urban plan that proposes big and radical intervention in the landscape, that might probably invade the integrity of the cultural landscape and destroy its outstanding universal value by building a traffic motorway, a bridge or other large infrastructural elements for which consulting with UNESCO experts and making Heritage Assessment plan is necessary. ​Building contemporary structures in a landscape that is not suitable for them because of its characteristics, design or terrain feature, which has a negative and unprecedented impact on the entire cultural landscape and natural scenery; The non-professional or cheap commercial buildings made without any legal certificate that threatens to destroy the unique traditional way of life of local people; Concreting the seashore at the places of former family piers or building new ones without using the traditional monolith stone techniques, destroying the fertile sea ecosystem and artistic traditional appearance of the sea line; Destruction of traditional olive and oak forests, traditional steep agricultural terraces and traditional historical-artistic gardens of outstanding value behind the palaces and family homes; Non-professional restoration of protected historical family buildings without any regard for their integrity, which threatens to degrade the universal value of the buildings (opening the roof terraces, division of historical balustrades, altering the height of historical buildings, houses or palaces, making the roof covering with non-traditional techniques, changing the traditional bearing construction (especially the concrete ones), changing the original look of the facades, replacing the traditional wooden openings for doors and windows) with the ones made of PVC, AL,...etc.; Degradation of the value of historical palaces and their ancient artistic furniture, interior decorations, aristocratic family libraries and artistic paintings, because of: leaving the property without owners, multiple selling of the property to foreign investors that neglect its historical value and the lack of the regulations and statistics data of movable cultural treasures and regulations for itself. ​ ​ HOW TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Kusevic, B. (2017).The cultural landscape in danger of Bay of Kotor ‘‘The Archive of Landscapes” . [date] ​​ BACKGROUND PHOTO. Dobrota, Montenegro. Photo by Bogdan Kusevic Degradation of integrity of the cultural landscape in the town of Prcanj, Dobrota, Kostanjica Photographs by Bogdan Kusevic Degradation of monuments of UNESCO Natural and Culturo-Historical region of Kotor Photographs by Bogdan Kusevic

  • Kotor | historical timeline | Bogdan Kusevic | Montenegro

    Town of Kotor - historical timeline CREDITS: ​ The background photo: Coats of arms of the Beskuca family. Prcanj, Montenegro. Photo by Bogdan Kusevic Credits of the Coats of Arms and flags: Internet open public domain (Wikipedia, etc.) Town of Kotor - historical timeline: (2018-2022) by Bogdan Kusevic.

  • MSc thesis booklet | Architecture | Bogdan Kusevic | Politecnico di Milano

    MSc thesis ​ THE FORGOTTEN CULTURAL LANDSCAPE OF BAY OF KOTOR. VALORISATION OF MEDIEVAL PATH AND RUINS IN PRCANJ. ​ In the last decade, the region of the Bay of Kotor, which has been a UNESCO heritage site since 1979, has become the area of severe destruction of the cultural landscape due to the excessive building industry. My master thesis, which was defended at Politecnico di Milano in July 2018, investigates and defines the particularity of the cultural landscape of the Bay of Kotor and provides a model for its restoration by involving common citizens in decision making processes. The medieval pathway, which is the main topic of the master thesis, has already been restored, cleared and opened as a light hiking trail in Prcanj and included into the comprehensive map of cultural trails of Montenegro. The Valley of St. Anna as cultural landscape of immense importance is going to be protected under the new urban study of Kotor municipality. New solar boats have already been introduced as sustainable water transport in Bay of Kotor, while the cruise ships as the example of unsustainable water transport was posponed during 2020. and the first half od 2021. due to the Covid 19 crisis. The positive steps towards raising awareness for protection of the cultural landscape in the Bay of Kotor are being made. To read more, click on the link below. ​ THIS MSC THESIS RESEARCH IN SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPE DESIGN COURSE AT POLITECNICO DI MILANO, TITLED: ,,The forgotten cultural landscape of Bay of Kotor. Valorisation of medieval path and ruins in Prcanj’’ IS INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OF THE AUTHOR, BOGDAN KUSEVIC, GRADUATE ARCHITECT, AND COMPLIES WITH ANY LAWS ON INTELLECTUAL WORK THAT ARE FORESEEN AND RECOGNISED BY THE LAW IN FORCE. ARTICLES 1 - 5 OF ACT 633/1941 AND AMENDMENTS. BY CLICKING ON THE LINKS BELOW YOU AGREE TO THE ABOVE MENTIONED LAW ON INTELLECTUAL WORK AND AGREE TO THE GENERAL TERMS OF USE AND PRIVACY POLICY OF THE WEBSITE: ,, THE ARCHIVE OF LANDSCAPES'' Master thesis booklet (2018) by Kusevic, B. click above to open the booklet

  • The cultural landscape of Bay of Kotor in danger | Bogdan Kusevic | Prcanj, Montenegro

    Before & After photo sliders Degradation of the cultural landscape in UNESCO Natural and Culturo-Historical region of Kotor Degradation of the integrity of the cultural landscape in settlement Dobrota, 2008-2017 view from pier in the town of Prcanj, Montenegro Photographs presented here are composite, post-processed in ICE, Photoshop and MS Gallery to ensure their geometric accuracy and clarity Photographs by Bogdan Kusevic Degradation of integrity of the cultural landscape in the town of Prcanj, 2007-2017 view from pier in the town of Prcanj, Montenegro Photographs by Bogdan Kusevic Degradation of integrity of the cultural landscape in the town of Prcanj, St. Anna valley 2017-2018. Photographs by Bogdan Kusevic

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