The Archive of Landscapes
Cultural heritage project
Our Lady's Temple
cover photo:
The dome of Our Lady's Temple in Prcanj
Most notable peace of sacral architecture in Prcanj is Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was built in the Venetian late baroque style. The church is situated the the area of UNESCO Natural and culturo-historical region of Kotor. Our Lady Church in Prcanj was projected by the famous Venetian architect Bernardino Maccaruzzi in 1789. The construction of the church started the same year but finished in 1913. The construction of the church was founded by the donation of twelve influential families from Prcanj, as well as donations of Austro-Hungarian government. The church at the time of construction was the biggest one in the South Adriatic region.Thes dome of the church is slightly lower that the dome of Dubrovnik Cathedral. The monumental staircase rising 25m above the sea is the highest artistic staircase of the East Adriatic. The church hosts numerous peace of art: icons, painting, reliefs of Venetian and EX Yugoslavian articts such as Milunovic, Rosandic, Lubarda, Mestrovic etc.